Julius Park

I like finite fields, and calculating mathematical constants. My main interests are in number theory and statistics. Look at my quines!

My github is: github.com/juliusgeo

Hello! Welcome to my website. Check out my quines!.

Calculates pi to 2 digits of precision by calculating the area of the comments. Based on the 1988 IOCCC solution.


Uses Bresenham's line drawing algorithm to trace out the shape of the source code.

  x0, y, x1, y1: \
      ((dx := x1 - x0, dy :=
          y1-y,yi:=1,yi:=-1 if dy<0 else yi,
              dy:=-dy if dy<0 else dy,d:=(2*dy)-dx,ps:=
                  set(),[(ps.add((x,y)),y:=y+yi,d:=d+2*(dy-dx))if d>
                      0 else(d:=d+2*dy)for x in range(x0,x1)]),ps)[1];pp=lambda \
                        ps:list(map(print, [''.join(["-"if(x, y)in ps else" "for x in range
                            (127)])for y in range(10)]));pp(set.union(*[l(0, 0, i, 9) for i in range(37, 127)]))

Calculates pi to many digits of precision by using Bernoulli numbers and the derivation found in Plouffe (2022)

from functools import reduce as red; from math import \
(factorial as fact, comb);import sys;from decimal import \
      (getcontext as c,Decimal as dc);(a:=range,
        b:=int(sys.                 argv[1]));c\
        ().prec=b;                  ber=lambda\
        e,f=[dc(1)]:                [f.append(
        1-sum(comb(h                ,g)*f[g]/(h
        - g + 1) for                g in a(h)))for
        h in a(1, e                 + 1)] and abs(
      f[-1]);print                 ((2 * fact(b) /
      (ber(b)* 2**                  b * red(dc.__mul__
      , [1 - (1/dc                   (i) ** b) for i in
      [2, 3, 5, 7]                     ]))) ** (1 / dc(b)))
        #juliusgeo                         pi arb. precis.

Calculate the Rijdnael S-box (and inverse) using finite field arithmetic. It also takes up less than 512 bytes, which would be the number needed for a simple lookup table.

n=256;q,t,m,e,p,c,f=(range(n),16,lambda x
      ,y,       r=0:m((h:=x   <<1,h^283)[
      h&n!=      0],y>>      1,(r,r    ^x)
    [y&1])if    y else        r,lambda
    a,w= 1,p=n   -2:e(m(a,        a),(w,m
  (w,a))[p&1]   ,p>>               1)if p
  else       w,  lambda    b:         list
(map     (print, ["%.2x "*t    %(*b[r:r+
t],)for r in q[::t]]+[""])),lambda a,i:(a
<>8-i)&255,lambda a:(a^c(a,1)^c(a,2)
^c(a,3)^c(a,4))^99);p(s:=[f(e(i))for i in